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    Ten Reasons to Use 3DWriter

  1. It focuses on the writing process and meets standards in every discipline while increasing writing proficiency.
  2. It can be implemented in ANY grade level and EVERY subject.
  3. A districtwide technology initiative can be implemented with little expense or training, because it can be incorporated into any type of writing program that is already in place.
  4. Technophobic teachers feel it is something they CAN do and early adopters see unlimited potential for encouraging student creativity, promoting organizational skills, and increasing writing proficiency.
  5. It is highly motivational for students and allows students to create projects that fit their learning style.
  6. It has minimal hardware requirements and can run on stand-alone machines without an Internet connection.
  7. It an easily be used in teacher centered or student centered curriculum, thus providing a bridge for school change.
  8. Revolutionary community licensing allows you to send 3DWriter home with students and staff at no extra cost.
  9. Hypertext narrative can not be done without technology, thus making it possible to easily document the impact of technology on learning as stressed in No Child Left Behind.
  10. It’s Just Write for Learning



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