Teacher Notes:

As you glance over the three products, you see that Student #1 created 4 links, Student #2 created 5 links, and Student #3 created 6.  While quantity doesn't necessarily equate with quality, if the quality of links are equal, then quantity is a factor.  On the other hand, four quality links is better than 10 poor quality ones.

Examin the individual links.  As you do, you will see that Student #1 did not do as well as Student #2, who did not do as well as Student #3. 

If you use a 3 point rubric for the quality and effectiveness of links, you will see that each student would have a rating reflected in their student number.

Student #1 

Many people believe that it was responsible for the entire feudal system and no one will argue that the stirrup the single most important factor in the rise of the mounted knight as the dominant weapon of the medieval period. The link to the picture is to the stirrup bone of the ear.  While it bears resemblance to the stirrup in our paper, it misses the point and in no way enhances the context in which the word is used.  It appears that the student did little in the way of learning here.

Eventually, the bridal was added and the rider now had significant control over the animal.  Suddenly, man could cover distances in a few hours that used to take him days.  The picture of the bridal is acceptable, but most people know what a bridal looks like and the picture does little to enhance context or demonstrate learning.

The people of the steppes became skilled horsemen and dominated the area for the next few thousand years.  This link takes us to a picture of the Mongolian steppes and a story about modern day Mongolian gazelles.  Again, little enhancement beyond the visual is show and the context is lost.

They built their society around the weapon system, the warfare tactics, and the mounted knight. This is a link to a page that shows pictures of metal figures of knights that are for sale and is of limited value.  If a picture is to be used, a more authentic rendering would be more appropriate.

Student #1 has consistently missed the mark.  The quality of the web links is poor, they do little or nothing to enhance the context of the article, and don't demonsrtate any learning.  It represents a less than acceptable effort.

Student #2 

Many people believe that it was responsible for the entire feudal system and no one will argue that the stirrup the single most important factor in the rise of the mounted knight as the dominant weapon of the medieval period.  The picture of the stirrup seems appropriate in lieu of anything better.  It certainly is better than the link to the stirrup bone of the ear.  It doesn't demonstrate any specific learning or particularly enhance the context, but it does demonstrate that a search for information took place and resulted in an appropriate link.

Eventually, the bridal was added and the rider now had significant control over the animal.  Suddenly, man could cover distances in a few hours that used to take him days. As with Student #1 , the picture of the bridal is acceptable, but most people know what a bridal is and the picture does little to enhance context or demonstrate learning.

However, before the Americans has chowed down on their last horseburger, the Russians had domesticated horses and were raising them as a food source, and somewhere around 6000 BC someone may have actually ridden horses for the first time.  Here the student links to a web site about the domestication of horses.  As with the bridal picture, it seems appropriate in lieu of something better.  However, the quality of the information at the site can be called into question when you use good evaluation criteria to determine the quality of the information. The first give away is the ~kkoch, which indicates this is a personal web site.   You will see with Student #3 how this link is improved upon significantly.

The people of the steppes  became skilled horsemen and dominated the area for the next few thousand years.  At first glance, the title of the site looks promising, but upon closer examination, it is just an ad for an exhibit at the Academy of Natural Sciences and adds little to the context .  It also calls into question whether the student evaluated the information on the page.

They built their society around the weapon system, the warfare tactics, and the mounted knight This is a nice summary article about mounted knights that supports the summary and original document.  It is the best link offered by Student #2.

Student #3 

Many people believe that it was responsible for the entire feudal  system and no one will argue that the stirrup the single most important factor in the rise of the mounted knight as the dominant weapon of the medieval period.  This link to a period painting shows knights on horseback with stirrups clearly visible .  It is arguably the best link offered by the three students for the word stirrup.

However, before the Americans has chowed down on their last horseburger, the Russians had domesticated horses and were raising them as a food source, and somewhere around 6000 BC someone may have actually ridden horses for the first time.  Here's Student #3 clearly shows superior technique by offering a summary that in itself shows relevance to the context  and offers evidence of learning.  The offering of links to further explore the student's summary clearly show a depth of learning and relevance to context not shown by the other two students.  The links are to archaeological evidence for the dating of the domestication of horses and are to university sites, rather than personal pages.

As you can imagine, the first bareback rider didn't have much control.  Eventually, the bridal was added  and the rider now had significant control over the animal.  Here the student uses the same technique to point to evidence that bridals were used back on the steppes.  This demonstrates learning far beyond the pictures of bridals offered by the other two students. 

The people of the steppes became skilled horsemen and dominated the area for the next few thousand years.  This time the student takes us directly to the information, rather than a summary that adds to the context .  She points to quality information that illustrates how the mounted archer became the defining element is steppe warfare.  By consistently offering quality links, the student is establishing evidence of significant learning.

They built their society around the weapon system, the warfare tactics, and the mounted knight .  Once again the student takes us directly to information, but in this case she points us to an article that seems to contradict some of the information offered by the author of the original article.  This seems to point to the fact that acknowledges that another view exists.

All of this was made possible by the invention of the stirrupHere she goes back to the earlier technique of commenting before sending us to a link.  By doing so, the student makes it clear that she sees other opinions, points us to information from an opposing authoritative source, and leaves the decision up to us.  Clearly, Student #3 has done an outstanding job.